Custom-made tree-shaped bracelet with enamel and inlaid runes.

Tree-shaped bracelet

Autor: Piotr Zieliński

The oak, sung about in history and mythology, can live for over 1,000 years. Some of the trees reach a height of 40 metres. Old oaks are distinguished by their thick trunk and outspread branches. There are about 450 species of this tree in the world.

Oak wood is solid and durable. The sturdy sailing ships built from it helped the British fleet to dominate the world's seas and oceans for many years. Oak is still highly valued today. It has long been used to build houses and make beautiful furniture. The oak wood is also great for making barrels for aging beer and wine.

Oak trees are admired for their strength, durability, and longevity. When a mighty tree grows from a tiny acorn, we can observe one of the wonders of creation. It is not without reason that the oak tree is also a symbol of the family. The roots growing into the ground symbolize the ancestors, while the branches and leaves foreshadow future generations. 

This motif inspired the creation of a bracelet in the shape of an oak tree. Mr. Marceli asked me to design a wrist ornament incorporating the word 'family' and the initials of its members, together with the date of birth of his youngest daughter.

A custom-made tree-shaped bracelet design based on an interview with the client.

A large oak tree wraps itself around the hand. The gold runes on the tree trunk are soldered on, while on the inside, letters and numbers have been embedded using an inlay technique. The enamel-covered leaves contrast beautifully with the blackened trunk. The bracelet is split without a hinge. That is why the form maintains perfect purity.

A custom-made bracelet in the shape of an oak tree wrapped around the hand.
