Wedding rings with mountains
wedding rings

Svalbard wedding rings with diamonds

Autor: Piotr Zieliński

Upon first sight of the unblemished whiteness of the Arctic, a breathtaking view astounds one and all! You can marvel at glaciers, blue fjords, and snow-covered mountains. An ice and snow wilderness stretches out as far as the eye can see. 

Svalbard is an archipelago located close to the North Pole- between the 74th and 81st parallels. Its name means 'cold coast' and first appears in Icelandic chronicles from 1194. However, the archipelago remained largely unknown for another four centuries until 1596 when Willem Barents and a group of Dutch daredevils undertook a sea expedition to the north. 

During this expedition, a sailor in the crow’s nest saw an unknown land on the horizon: a jagged line of mountain ranges. It was the north-western tip of Svalbard. Barents called it Spitsbergen - 'pointed mountains’ - which in modern times is the name used to refer to the largest island in the archipelago. Barents' finding marked the beginning of a new era full of discoveries. 

This majestic land of mountains and ice has become the inspiration for the design of a unique set of wedding rings. Their top is a snow-capped mountain range. The openwork sky is decorated with shooting stars set with diamonds. Different widths represent male and female attributes. The whole piece was made in white gold.

Custom-made wedding rings with stars
